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Duresta Reigate High Back Chair

Hey have you ever dreamed of owning one of those fancy pants DURESTA High Back chairs? You know the ones you see in the posh High Street Stores that you have to dressed up in your best clobber just to have a browse? Well now you can shop in your pants at and buy this amazing Duresta Reigate High Back Chair for peanuts.

Now we have scoured the internet to find you an example to compare with, but the only one we could find was one at a upmarket retailer selling an ex display Duresta Reigate High Back Chair - however they have priced it at £1518 reduced to £910.80 - click here

Hmmm now I never did to terribly well at school, but even I know that buying one form Vintage Home Stores for £295 will save you a heck of a lot of dosh which you can spend on something really frivolous like your next electric bill! Oh and if you buy before 24th May you can save an extra 15% (it's my birthday so it's a wee gift to you)

So if you want to be as posh as every other Duresta customer - get saving today!

Stephen Currie


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