When you are looking for a Leather Chesterfield Suite - sometimes only the best will do - but when you see the price of a new one most of us run a mile - that is until you see what we have in store for you.
This is a Winchester Leather Knightsbridge Oxblood Leather Chesterfield Sofa with 2 Matching Leather Chesterfield Oxblood Leather Chairs - now it's not often you see a retailer recommending you to go and check out their competition, but on this occasion we beg you to!
This way you can see just how much you are saving - you see in their made up sale this 3 seater is a £1799 reduced from £3598 - and the matching chairs are an eye watering £1295 reduced from £2590 - EACH! So if you were unlucky enough to but this new, it would set you back £4389 - thats what the boss just paid for his car!
With vintagehomestores.co.uk, you will be paying just £595 for all 3 items - plus what's even better is we give you an extra 10% off at checkout leaving all this furniture for just £535.50.
Our delivery is the cheapest in our sector at just £10 for TS postcodes, £20 for Newcastle and London just £42.95 - oh and you can have 4 items delivered at that price.
Remember Vintage Home Stores not only sells the designer furniture less than anyone else in the UK, we also offer the cheapest value delivery in our sector. For example, you can have 4 items delivered to London for just £42.95 - that is quite simply amazing value for money and proves Vintage Home Stores is the best place to buy used furniture London.
Vintage Home Stores is one of the leading suppliers of Vintage Furniture Antique Furniture and Quality Used Furniture to the UK markets. Our delivery is amongst the cheapest in the country and all items are in stock ready to go.
Be sure to check us out on www.vintagehomestores.co.uk and also on our socials Facebook and Instagram.