Well that went in a flash - everyone works all year round to take 2 weeks off in summer and within a heartbeat its over and back to reality. Soon the tan's will be faded, the fake holiday clothes will be ruined in the wash and no longer will we be eating al fresco with the sun pounding down on us!

To be honest we are all super excited to be back - during the holidays we sold a staggering amount of super second hand furniture, so the first two weeks are almost chocker block with deliveries as far down as Cornwall and as far north as Inverness so the lads at Teesside10 are going to be flat out.
Within the next 2 weeks we have a ton of new items arriving from some fab Art Deco Angular Cabinets through to some funky sofas, chunky Oak and in a week or so we have a full display of Barker and Stonehouse Flagstone Furniture - so keep watching us on Facebook and Instagram to be the first to see them go live.

Hey with costs continuing to rise for all of us in every department from food to energy and now even CO2 so the pubs which have been hit the hardest out of all small businesses have yet more mountains to climb in order to stay afloat. We at Vintage Home Stores still promise to keep our prices low, our delivery the lowest in the UK and the discount code which you have enjoyed for the past few months has been extended to make buying form us even cheaper. We have also launched our Sell2Us page, so if you need to clear some stock out to make room for your purchase we may be able to help with the too.

So keep smiling as we all have some trying times ahead, but like every obstacle that has hit our country for the past 100 years, we continue to work through and come through it stronger and more resilient.
Steve Currie
Vintage Home Stores is one of the leading suppliers of Vintage Furniture Antique Furniture and Quality Used Furniture to the UK markets. Our delivery is amongst the cheapest in the country and all items are in stock ready to go.
Be sure to check us out on www.vintagehomestores.co.uk and also on our socials Facebook and Instagram.